Building a Shiny App for Data Exploration in R

I just finished the “Data Products” course, part of the JHU Data Science Specialization on Coursera that i’m working on. As part of the course, I created a “Shiny” web app in Rstudio. Shiny ( is a pretty easy-to-use framework for turning a R analysis into a web app, without knowledge of html/java/css (though if you do know those, you can easily customize your app and make it even better). It seems like a really nice tool for sharing your analysis and/or for visualizing and exploring a dataset. You can host the app at with one click from RStudio (you are allowed a certain number of free apps with usage limits, and can upgrade to a paid plan). You can check out my app at : It allows you to explore the nycflights13 dataset in R.

Written on November 2, 2016